There has been a lag since my last blog post…essentially since our country went into lockdown as a measure to reduce the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in March. With the craziness of toilet paper and hand sanitizer [...]
Life meanderings & musings
Here are my thoughts on…
There has been a lag since my last blog post…essentially since our country went into lockdown as a measure to reduce the transmission of the Covid-19 virus in March. With the craziness of toilet paper and hand sanitizer [...]
Many people are thinking twice about making travel plans at the moment due to the unfortunate outbreak of COVID-19. If this risk wasn’t reason enough to reconsider travel, the uncertainty around this virus is taking a toll on the [...]
With the New Year and new decade underway, so comes the cold weather. Don’t get me wrong, I love that Canada gets 4 actual seasons. There are, however, some folks that truly struggle with the snow, cold and shorter [...]
Nobody wants to be remembered as the jerk who ruined Christmas dinner. I certainly never thought that I could be a holiday saboteur, but the season can be full of surprises… good and bad. For some families, Christmas is [...]
The leaves have pretty much all fallen from the trees now and the first snowfall has dusted our lawn already. Just last week, the property manager in the office building in which I work, installed the winter carpeting in [...]
Fallin’ in love….. Yes, the days are getting shorter and there is a chill in the air, but I do admit I simply love autumn! Living in Toronto that glorious splendour is often short lived to 3-4 weeks before [...]
Earth Day is April 22nd and each year I try to add simply one environmentally responsible habit into my life. Though having scores of virtuous intentions, I find that incorporating just one ‘green’ habit each year is realistic, sustainable [...]
Ahh… I love springtime! The snow is melting, the birds are chirping in the morning and our days are getting longer bit by bit. Alas, there is one lil thing I must say drives a sharp sliver of [...]
What’s a weekend meander if it doesn’t occasionally include a traipse through a local farmer’s market? One of my city guilty pleasures is a stop at St Lawrence Market near the waterfront of Toronto. I will always have fond [...]
Reasons Mommy Drinks – A Book Review So, there needs to be a reason? Certainly not in my books, but in this hilarious book, Lyranda Martin Evans and Fiona Stevenson (Three Rivers Press, 2013) give 100 reasons that [...]