Get Your Gardening Game On!

All About You, Health & Wellness 661 Views April 08, 2022 Sandra
08 Apr. 2022
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Views: 661
By: Sandra

Like many Canadians, or those in colder climes, when the snow is gone and the world seems to open up with soggy yards, bird songs and that wet earthy smell of gardening promise in the back yard… you just know that the summer planting planning process begins.

I did post my summer must-haves from last spring, but gosh with the neverending lockdowns, restrictions over the past two years, I can finally say that throwing my garden gloved hands open to a new season of planting has me rather giddy.

Though despite my crazy seasonal allergies, in bygone days I did truly love the hours of scouring countless garden centres for the perfect herbs, rhubarb (quite literally non existent and took 1+ driving hours to find growers with decent plants).

Disclaimer at the outset:  I am NOT a naturally gifted gardener.   Yes… you know those folks who seem to consistently have lush, gorgeous bounty throughout the season.


That’s not me.


Though I try through research to change this…lovingly apply whatever the aficionado at the garden centre suggests (mulches, added nutrients etc)… there have been some utter fails, but also some rather wonderful wins.

I have had some rather wonderful finds I want to share with you that have made my gardening journey truly enjoyable.

Full disclosure: these choices are my own and not endorsed through affiliate marketing. The are, quite simply, things that I have discovered that make the gardening experience all that much more enjoyable.

Vertical Gardens

So being of a certain ‘vintage’ that does not want to be crouched over beds of herbs and vegetables (not to mention I think I am permanently scarred for many summers of my sister and I – not brothers!- garden weeding in my teenage years), I simply LOVE vertical gardens. I have seen raised garden beds as well and I think both are amazing to keep the critters away from devouring your bounty.

I bought this vertical garden for my herbs and it’s near the back door in full sun to allow for easy cooking addition access . I cannot recommend it enough: efficiency of space, attractive and easily collapsible for winter storage.  It is so easy to tend to and the bounty was wonderful.


Supporting local growers

Again, with our 2 year craziness of limited accessibility to garden centers, I discovered an absolutely amazing grower. in Ontario will allow you to place your vegetable/garden orders on line, and then have the pods delivered in your preferred planting window. This is great when you have that bud of spring fever growing, but you know it’ll be weeks before you can actually visit.   Yes… It is April and I have placed my May week 3 delivery.

Whatever your veg/herb preferences, you have to evaluate the yield IMO. The herbs are fabulous, the salads surprised me with their longevity and bounty, the jalapenos and hot peppers were resplendent and yielded many bottles of curated hot sauces. Cucamelons, peppers, and strawberries, though I had high hopes… meh.

Planting pants

I don’t know about you, but when I am planting…moving planters, re-organizing my gardening plan, watering… it gets a bit kooky messy. (Read: freakin’ mess…or maybe it’s just me).

I can’t say enough about these Nylon pants…loads of pockets for your phone etc ( as I do love listening to audio books and pod casts when I plant), super comfy and the dirt brushes off easily. They wash up like a dream…and if you’re as messy as I am that’s a GOOD thing!

Terrific tools

Ok… getting into the dirt of things….

I have been a huge fan and customer of Lee Valley Tools for over 2 decades. ( and they’ve been around a LOT longer than that!). An amazing company based in Ottawa Ontario, they deliver on my bery high standard of product expectation always. There have been many Mother’s Day gifts that were bundled up as a gardening lovers copulation of Lee Valley gardening tools.   Very apt  (and always appreciated!).

Message me for all the particulars, but the absolute single most  perfect tool you need to have is a solid trowel.  Forget the big box store wanna be…     This solid stainless steel trowel, with its sturdy hefty handle and I have now had for 20 years.   Well used and has served me and my gardens well for years.   It truly is beyond 5 stars.

Fabulous footwear

Well now… for those of you who know me I like fashion with function. Gardening, mucking about and the relentless to-ing and fro-ing into the house for bio breaks, hand washing or other issues.. means a bit of flexibility for the footwear.    For years I kept onto my old running shoes that were my tried and true through many races…but to be honest, a bit of a b*tch when you’re in and out of the house, garage and garden multiple times throughout the day.

I am not even going to begin to apologize about the price for these Birkenstock clogs. For me as a recovering runner having endured a 2-year Achilles tear on one foot, then plantar fasciitis on another…I have an absolute appreciation of support, convenience and functionality.  Not sexy by any means…but functional and heavenly!

Post planting pampering

The gardens have been planted and now is the time to get cleaned up and view the spoils of your weekend efforts. With the to-ing and fro-ing…lifting…moving…digging, your body needs a much-deserved reward.

I first discovered Bathorium, a few years back when developing the assortment for North America’s first eco department store. Their products are made of certified organic extracts, phthalate free, packaged in recycled materials, not tested on animals…and heavenly!

While brightening sage, pine, and coriander seed cleanse and Abyssinian Oil nourishes damaged skin, the cool sensation of fresh menthol crystal envelops your entire body. The extremely high mineral concentration of British Columbia glacial clay draws toxins out of the skin, leaving it smooth and dewy…  *sigh* ….

This bath soak is a guilty pleasure after whatever arduous day… great post-planting, but an absolute treat after a stressful day.


Though I have to admit that getting the gardens in over the course of a weekend I do find daunting, the endless weeks of enjoyment and delicious bounty over the summer makes it a joy. One weekend for weeks of enjoyment seems like a rather a fabulous ‘return on effort’ !


Happy gardening!




Photo credits:

Cankaboompics – Pexels

Centerkindel – Pexels

Kampus – Pexels

3Karolina-grabowska – Pexels