Hot Stuff!

Recipes 0 Comments 2339 Views September 10, 2020 Sandra
10 Sep. 2020
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Views: 2339
By: Sandra

It’s getting hot in here!


As summer draws to a close I reflect back on my early spring choices for my vegetable garden.


Full disclosure moment here: I have never, ever been a big vegetable gardener. Yes… the requisite herb pots and odd cherry tomato plant, but never in a significant way.


Alas with lockdown I did venture into making my sunny backyard into something that I may reap the benefits of through an extended repertoire of garden yumminess.I delved into 4 different kinds of tomatoes (some abundant…others not so), herbs galore that I have enjoyed and will continue for a while yet.

But the peppers! Yes, the attempt at red and green bell peppers have been scrumptious, but the jalapeños and cayenne have been glorious on the vine.

As an absolute fan of all things ‘hot sauce’, I thought to attempt making my own given these beauties from the garden.


Well … if you like it hot with a hint of maple syrup sweetness, I think I have nailed the recipe!


Picante Pepper Sauce


  • 3-4 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 3-4 jalapeño peppers
  • 5-6 cloves garlic
  • 1 cup white wine or champagne vinegar
  • 1 cup red cooking wine
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon salt + more to taste


Chop up the peppers along with garlic cloves and add them to a pot with the vinegar,cooking wine, salt and maple syrup. I must say this O citrus champagne vinegar  is sublime!

Bring the mix to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer everything on low for 45 mins to 1 hour.

Cool the mixture slightly, then transfer it to a food processor or blender. Process it until the sauce is nice and smooth. Adjust to taste with more salt if desired

Strain the sauce through a fine sieve if you’d like a clear sauce, or puree in a blender for a sauce with a little more texture.

This is   H   O   T   hot so use it sparingly to add a bit of zing to whatever dish you want. It has a great amount of heat with a subtle hint of sweetness.



xoxo – Sandra