January 30th is Bell “Let’s Talk” Day

All About You, Health & Wellness 0 Comments 825 Views January 30, 2019 Sandra
30 Jan. 2019
Comments: 0
Views: 825
By: Sandra


On January 30th it is Bell “Let’s Talk” Day    a national awareness and fundraising event to end the stigma of mental illness.   In it’ 9th year, the activity behind this initiative has been astonishing in its reach and fundraising. In 2018 an absolutely incredible number of 138,383,995 messages were sent in support of mental health.



Mental health…. It’s an uncomfortable conversation for many. How do you approach it for family and friends afflicted; and how do you confront it as a victim. It’s a complex and utterly sensitive topic that I have to admit I too at times struggle with.

According to the Mayo Clinic  some of the harmful effects of stigma can include:


There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and yet to end the stigma about mental illness, according to the Bell site begins with 5 simple ways:


1 – Language matters

Be cognizant of the words you are using. Terms like crazy, schizo, whacko and so on are hurtful and further stigmatize.


2- Be kind


3 – Educate yourself

Be aware of the many myths of mental illness. The Canadian Mental Health Association    is a great resource for understanding the myths.


4 – Listen and Ask

– How are you doing today?

– You seem quiet….is everything ok?

– How can I help you?

– What do you need?

…and watching body language for visual cues is as important as the response itself



5 – Talk about it

By simply breaking the silence and shattering the stereotypes around mental illness is a huge step. Quite often, getting feelings, issues and concerns vocalized and shared is the single most important step to well being.


So on January 30th join the conversation. Bell Canada is looking to surpass a billion total messages of support to assist mental health in Canada.   Bell Canada will donate 5 cents for every applicable call, tweet social media video view of a Facebook or Snapchat Frame. Their goal this year is to surpass $100 million in total funding.


End the stigma.


Join the conversation:

– On Twitter with the hash tag   #BellLetsTalk

– On Instagram with every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video

– On Facebook with every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video

– On Snapchat with every view of the Bell Let’s Talk Day video or send a snap using the Bell Let’s Talk filter.



Remember…. Every interaction makes a difference: let’s do this!




Xo – Sandra