Maritime Meanderings

Dining Out, Travel 0 Comments 1654 Views December 14, 2018 Sandra
14 Dec. 2018
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Views: 1654
By: Sandra

Well hello Halifax!

T’was a weekend to hit Halifax on the east coast to have an early Thanksgiving with the fam jam from all over and to celebrate my nephew graduating from Dalhousie!

Though I travel a fair bit, this will be my FIRST visit to Maratimes!!!.

So what’s travel without a wee bit of fun facts to share with y’all?

  • People from Halifax are called Haligonians ( Hee Hee!!)


  • Halifax is closer to Dublin, Ireland than it is to Victoria, B.C


  • The Halifax Explosion in 1917 was the world’s largest man-made explosion before Hiroshima


  • One out of every five Canadians is related to someone who passed through Halifax’s Pier 21 ( my family being one of them!)


  • The Halifax to Dartmouth ferry service is the oldest continually operational saltwater ferry service in North America


  • Halifax has more bars per capita than any other city in Canada


  • In 1849, Halifax became the first North American city to transmit European news to NYC and Boston


  • Until 1844, The Royal Navy hung pirates at Point Pleasant’s (eeek!!!??) Black Rock Beach

We had a very moving tour of Pier 21 Canadian Museum of Immigration in Halifax with my siblings & family.  It is here where my parents and their respective families landed so many years ago from Latvia. It was  incredible to see replicas of the living quarters, see the displays of the childrens’ travel trunks,  read and hear tales of so many who came to Canada through this por

Pier 21 was an ocean liner terminal and immigration shed from 1928 to 1971, and is akin to the American Immigration gateway Ellis Island. It is said that almost a million immigrants passed through Pier 21 during this time frame.


Ahhh….and then there is Peggy’s Cove.


Approximately a half hour’s drive outside of Halifax, Peggy’s Cove is comprised of many small fishing communities around the around the perimeter of the Chebucto Peninsula. Truly picturesque and charming beyond words, and holding true to its historic roots you may read the varied opinions about the origins of the name here:,_Nova_Scotia

Oh….and we talk about the food here?

Being on the Atlantic coastline, you just know that the fish and especially lobster will be lush!      Though I did partake with the requisite lobster roll on the harbour (because if you didn’t have a lobster roll when in Halifax did you even GO  ?), there are a myriad of great spots in Halifax to nosh.

We had a fabulous lunch at the Stubborn Goat ( hmmm… wonder why I liked it so much…?) with – of course- a lobster sandwich and salad.

Though my cholesterol level most certainly took a wee uptick on this weekend visit, I did so with shameless lack of self control indulging my tastebuds and senses…..and what a way to go!


Until next time Halifax!    xo