I can’t lie… London [amongst a few others] is one of my most favourite cities I travel to. I’ve been going for many, many years for business to scope out new concepts, check out trends and generally [try] [...]
Life meanderings & musings
I can’t lie… London [amongst a few others] is one of my most favourite cities I travel to. I’ve been going for many, many years for business to scope out new concepts, check out trends and generally [try] [...]
It’s a funny thing. I always loved mushrooms growing up…but we only ever had them for ‘special’ occasions, and at that it was always canned mushrooms. My dear heavens above, when I discovered fresh mushrooms (ohhh and how [...]
Just Breathe Exhale Though it had been a while, I am revelling with reconnecting to all things magical about the Cape. An easy meander about an hour from Boston, Cape Cod is dotted with charming villages. You [...]
Well hello Halifax! T’was a weekend to hit Halifax on the east coast to have an early Thanksgiving with the fam jam from all over and to celebrate my nephew graduating from Dalhousie! Though I travel a fair bit, [...]
When you get an invitation to New York Fashion week, what’s a girl to do? A fabulous city…an uber talent designer…count me in! Oh and the Nicole Miller fashion show…. Fashion week is always a marathon of people jostling, schedules [...]
Paris…. oh how I do adore you! Having been so many times for business, it was with great delight to drop in for a short visit. For business…? No. As a tourist….? No. This time was [...]