Power pack your morning!

Health & Wellness, Recipes 1 Comment 1670 Views March 29, 2019 Sandra
29 Mar. 2019
Comments: 1
Views: 1670
By: Sandra

Confession time: I am a lazy sloth during the week for breakfast.

There I have said it.

Though I relish (actually look forward to… and cherish!) a leisurely, full-out breakfast on a Sunday morning….during the week it is a different story.


I like to get my early morning run/gym session/spin class squeaked in as my kick off to the day. And then there is the issue of trying to get myself (ahem) presentable after the aforementioned workouts.


I have never been a morning cereal gal.


Nor toast


Nor eggs


My absolute saviour, both from an energy perspective and healthy option (ok….and the lazy ass element may kick in here too), is my breakfast smoothie.


Now, I am not going to be altruistic and say I may them every morning, BUT I do make 2-3 days worth in one shot so I save time and tick off all the ‘good’ boxes.

Given the seasons, and the climate (I am in Canada remember…. Brr), I try to:

  •  – Buy my berry ingredients when ideally fresh and hence on sale (#winning)
  •  – Use what I can for the week. Then wash, dry, spread out on a cookie sheet in the freezer…and then once frozen store in glass jars in the freezer for upcoming weeks. They are the perfect nutrient packed ‘ice cubes’ for your smoothies
  •  – If in season, I will wash and puree in the blender and freeze in an ice cube tray and store in freezer for that hit of goodness for whatever fruit recipe needs a fresh yum. ( Note: you can defrost this ‘fresh’ berry puree and top it onto your granola or Greek yogurt…yumma!)


So here you go folks…. I am fresh back from the market and about to make this week’s stash of morning yum.


Note: I like to add the following to the fruit smoothie (your choice to add whatever if/not you want):

  •  – Chia seeds as they are loaded with anti oxidants & high in quality protein
  •  – Omega 3 oil as it can improve mental disorders, fight inflammation, reduce fat in your liver and promote brain health
  •  – A wee bit of protein powder as it’s great for muscle growth and it assists in weight management ( source: medical news today)
  •  – A banana for the potassium..great for muscle repair post workout


I simply love the nutritional benefits:


  •  – Powerful antioxidants
  •  – Recent reports from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that a healthy infusion of this in your diet will yield a lowered risk of death by cardiovascular disease


  •  – Great source of vitamin C
  •  – Are a good anti-inflammatory and aid in digestion
  •  – They have also been shown to be antibacterial and antiviral in lab tests and to assist in preventing illness and warding off infection


  •  – This a super power packed addition to your smoothie as just 1 cup of spinach provides almost 200% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin K
  •  – It is a fabulous source vitamin A and C, antioxidants that reduce cellular damage
  •  – It also provides calcium and magnesium which are two bone-building power houses




  •  – Often referred to as the ‘king (or Queen?)’ of antioxidants and considered to be one of the most nutrient dense of all berries
  •  – Low in calories
  •  – Believed to lower blood pressure
  •  – It is believed that they can maintain brain function and improve memory
  •  – May help fight urinary tract infections
  •  – Believed to minimize soreness and reduced muscle performance after exercise.



  •  – High in fibre
  •  – May boost brain health
  •  – Chock a block full of vitamin C
  •  – A great source of vitamin K which assists in helping your blood clot and it plays a role in bone metabolism




  •  – 3 cups washed spinach (or you can do a kale/spinach blend)
  •  – 1 cup blueberries
  •  – 1 cup blackberries
  •  – 1 cup raspberries
  • …perhaps a few strawberries, because they’re yummy (if in season)
  •  – 1-2 cups of pomegranate juice ….it depends given your personal preference of smoothie consistency
  •  – Add in your pomegranate juice (or you can use coconut water, blueberry juice or cranberry juice….all good!)


Blend, and you may have to do in stages to move the top fruit down, until it is a consistency you like.   Add more liquid to achieve your personal preference from a consistency standpoint.

Pour into glass mason jars (or whatever recycled bottles or jars you have) and store in fridge for an easy peasy healthy quick breakfast. This is so gorgeously delicious, you, your partner and/or your kids will love it and they get a fabulous, nutritious start to their day.


Remember that as fruit is comprised of so much water….you will have to give the jar a shake before serving.


This is my go-to staple that I love not only for its power-packed nutritional value…but it’s oh so yummmmmma!


Let me know what you think!


Xo – Sandra












