Skunked !

Life Chats 0 Comments 3624 Views September 13, 2020 Sandra
13 Sep. 2020
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Views: 3624
By: Sandra


It’s that time of year again that fills dog owners and runners with a smidge of fear: skunk season.

These little critters always seem to come out in the early morning or twilight in particular regularity in the spring and fall. Typically skunks are normally nocturnal. And like to sleep in dark locations such as burrows or under porches. They will come out in the evenings to search for food.

As a runner, nothing strikes fear in me so quickly as seeing a little black creature with its flash of white meander out of hedges or cross the street up ahead.

As a dog owner, after 8 years of having our sweet pooch, I was fortunate not to have to experience her being sprayed by a skunk.

Well… that is until that night before I was due to fly out to attend an opening gala.

Letting Abbi out for her final pee, there was no indication (read: scent) that a skink was nearby. Well…until the backdoor was opened and my dog bolted for the center of the backyard to ‘hunt down’ a baby skunk that was casually exploring.




I don’t know who was more surprised: the skunk, the dog or myself as Abbi raced back into the house squealing with panic with her new, very pungent parfum.

Out to the garage for now dear pooch!


Madly googling for a solution to the situation bathing in tomato juice came up in the search. Off to the store for 6 large cans. The ensuing tomato juice bath outside ( with requisite dog shaking) turned my charming backyard into what could easily have been a tomato juice crime scene.


It did not rid the pooch of the smell.

Back to googling alternatives…bathing in mouthwash came up. Off to the store again for armloads of the largest mouthwash money can buy. (Can I say, you do get rather peculiar looks from the gal at the checkout with this kind of purchase).


Backyard bath #2 for the dog. Scrubbing thoroughly and with a small edge of panic I was filled with a bit of hope.




Other than being somewhat ‘minty fresh’ , that underlying smell of rancid skunk stink was still there.


Back to Google ( how could you have failed me twice?!)


Eureka! An article came up on a veterinary site . Thankfully I had all ingredients in the pantry, so no more increasing embarrassing visits to the store. All ingredients mixed and shaken into large mason jars and off to the backyard for bath #3.

Third time’s a charm as they say.


This concoction is golden. Because of the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap grease/oil cutting capabilities, the ingredients could dissolve the oils of the skunk spray and wash them away.


Absolutely no skunk smell after using this recipe and we finally had a happy pup.


My carefully coiffed hair and fresh manicure from a few hours earlier left a lot to be desired.


I now have the ingredients at the ready in a small backpack in the garage on the off chance that I encounter one of these small furry creatures on a morning run. My fear of them has not diminished one iota, but at least I am prepared!

The Ultimate Skunk Shampoo

  • 1 quart hydrogen peroxide
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 3 T liquid dish soap
  • 1 quart warm water
  • Combine the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, dish soap and water in a large open container.
  • Hose down the dog thoroughly
  • Massage the solution throughout your dog’s fur (to the skin). Avoid getting any solution in his eyes. Ideally allow this to sit on the dog for about 5 minutes.
  • Rinse your dog thoroughly to get the solution off and towel dry


Voila…. Thank me now.


Xoxo – Sandra