Weekend in Paris

Travel 0 Comments 1570 Views November 29, 2018 Sandra
29 Nov. 2018
Comments: 0
Views: 1570
By: Sandra

Paris…. oh how I do adore you!

Bon jour Paris

Having been so many times for business, it was with great delight to drop in for a short visit.   

For business…?    No.

As a tourist….?    No.

This time was for my 8th half marathon.  How is THAT for lush?  

Well… for those who know me, or have seen me run, you know that that was not a quantum athletic event.  [chuckling to self…]  Nope, not even close.   You can check my Health/Fitness posts for my view on my love/hate relationship with running when you have a sec.

No this trip was a guilty pleasure to make that 21.1 km ‘test’ a little more fun.  To be fair, I must say I feel very fortunate to be in a position where I am able to fly to Paris for a run… what’s not to love right?  [well, other than the running 21.1 km bit!]

72 hours in a city I love…

Cafe love……..Regardless of weather, how lovely it is to have a cafe au lait with a buttery croissant in the morning at one of the cafe or bistros; or better yet enjoy a lovely glass of wine with a charcuterie plate and people watch as a late afternoon pick-me-up? This is one of my favourites and the city has countless options for you. The Avenue des Champs-Elysees and the area around Notre Dame are my favourites.

Food…..ohhhh Paris, how I do love thee for your food!  Mmmmmmm….  I am not sure if it was you or Rome that ignited my passion for cooking [you can fight over it later], but gosh, how you excel at making the simplest things sublime and the classics utterly delightful!


Be still my heart !

Have you ever experienced a Croque Monsieur?  This is France’s version of a grilled cheese sandwich..but taking it to a whole new level.  With bechamel sauce, cheese, ham ( and Croque Madame adds an egg to the equation….yumma!) this is veritable deliciousness on a plate!


Every …absolutely every.. single time I go to Paris, I must stop into the Musée d’Orsay.  On the left bank of the Seine, it is housed in the Gare D’Orsay an old railway station built around 1900.   It boasts an astonishing collection of impressionist and post-Imprestionist art and is a beautiful meander. 

Will you look at that ceiling? ….. how lush!

 The cafe on the top floor behind the clock will allow for incredibly memorable photos. It is tucked away from the bustle of the museum, so a gorgeous space to relax, recharge and reflect.

If you are a foodie…as I am..there are a couple of absolute must stops.  The first is Fauchon in Place de Madelaine.  This is a gorgeous, small square and worth a meander. Fauchon is exquisite with its desserts, prepared foods, condiments and assorted beautiful yummies.   Just go there for a brief visit to see the way that they prepare things …it is heavenly.

Ahhh…and then… you mustard lovers. Well, do I have something for you!   Also in the Place de Madelaine is the Maille store. Classic Dijon hand pumped mustard. They offer several flavours but the chardonnay classic dijon is a crime NOT to purchase!  This teeny, tiny store is one that I always come to to top up my mustard stash….it’s quite the experience.

A teeny lovely boite of a store…please DO come in!
And just look at those cute mustard crocks you can have your hand pumped mustard in!


I do have so many favourite areas of the city, but to stay in the Latin Quarter opening my windows to see the beautiful Notre Dame cathedral in the morning light is rather ethereal I must say. Though the area is insanely touristy, there are lovely corners, cafes and shops that are well worth a slow explore.


Oh …yes… I did come here for a half marathon! Though it drizzled for almost all of it, I must say the running group, cheering crowds and stunning city views has made this one of my favourites.


This city has so much I love.  This is my first sloppy post about Paris, so do look for additional and insightful posts about museums, restaurants or simply gorgeous things I love.


Until next time Paris…..a bientot!   xo